Web Everything!

My career in web has been... different.

A little different

Unlike many in this field I have almost no agency or freelance work to show. For the last 10 years I have worked in-house in either graphics or front end web design and unfortunately I am barred from showing any of that work here. Additionally, much of that time has been spent also managing things like marketing automation, SEO, analytics and general business strategy.

The good news is, I can show this in an "offline" portfolio. So, if you're looking for more work, please contact me for a PDF.

Mobile First & Responsive Design

I know most designers start out with this, and for good reason. The statistics on mobile internet usage in what is now 2016 is staggering. For those that aren't aware, mobile browsing eclipsed desktop usage at the beginning of 2015 and continues it's climb.

Hardly the time to ignore device agnostic design wouldn't you say?

Responsive Web

Responsive Frameworks I've Used


Foundation is my go-to responsive framework. This site is built with Foundation 5 framework as is my Custom Blog Theme.

Discover Foundation


Bootstrap, the poster-child for rapid prototype design. I've used this more times than I can count for microsites and landing pages.

Discover Bootstrap


Skeleton is an adaptive boilerplate for projects that require a more specific layout with progressive enhancement in mind.

Discover Skeleton
  • More front end sexy
    • HTML5 Boilerplate - Wait, I don't use this anymore thanks to Foundation CLI...
    • SCSS - SASS & LESS have brough about a huge change in how frontend designers approach design strategy.
    • Smoothstate.js - Another bit of front-end awesome used on this site, SmoothState is just plain hot.
    • Atom - My happy place. I intend to try Adobe's new refocused Dreamweaver but for now I love Atom.
Responsive Web

Modern Web Tools

For those with more advanced interest in the current web design and development field I'd like to add that I have a balanced appreciation for command line based authoring tools. I believe there is a equilibrim of GUI and CLI efficiency and I constantly strive to balance that.

Vagrant is Awesome, Glup and Grunt I can no longer live without and I have an ever changing love/hate relationship with Git.


Vagrant is a portable, rapid development Virtual Machine designed for web & application development.

Discover Vagrant

Gulp / Grunt

As primarily a front-end developer, it's no mystery why these are among my favorite tools in the modern kit.

Gulp | Grunt


Let's face it, version control no matter how large a pain in the butt, is here to stay and for good reason.

Discover Git
  • Other tools I love
    • Puphet - For the full stackers and deployment purists this are a must have in the toolbox.
    • Bower - Another obvious one, who doesn't love packages!
    • Composer - PHP is my core and without Composer I'm an empty shell.
    • Dev Docs - Outside the tools spectrum, everyone gets lost occasionally. I find myself here.

High Conversion Web Marketing

Design for the web isn't just aesthetics and good design. Understanding the psychology behind user experience and how to apply that to business needs is crucial for a competitive edge. With the constantly evolving analytics tools and concepts it takes a lot to stay ahead.

Do your web designers understand business?

Responsive Web

Just a few Marketing Tools I've Used

Analytics Tools

I've got a background in intermediate to advanced google analytics. Filters, triggers, conversion goals, no problem!

A/B & Multivariate

In the past I've utilized Google Page Experiments and Optimizely for improving user experience and conversions!

Marketing Automation

I've worked on design and integration with a number of packages. Constant Contact and Pardot are two of them.

Contact Me!
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